Does the word “BEWILDERED” seem to describe how you feel these days watching the news?
Esther’s story gives us some fresh insights that may help us!
Can you remember some other times in history when cities or nations were ‘bewildered’ by the events or circumstances which caused chaos? How about September 11, 2001, in almost every city in the world, especially America? How about when the Magi came to Jerusalem looking for the newborn king? Matt. 2:3 says “King Herod was bewildered, and all Jerusalem with him.”
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Today’s Scripture is Esther 3. Choose below to read or listen.
Pastor Doug Anderson 262.441.8785
“Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, with our eyes fixed on Jesus…” (Heb. 12:1,2)
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Are there some special places where you have had very significant spiritual experiences, maybe even life changing encounters with God? Let’s go to one...
What is required before you will admit you have been convinced about something? We’ve all had the experience… we are a part of something...
Words are important! We’ve seen that dramatized in recent weeks. Today, Esther calls us to consider how important Leadership Words are! As the world...