Every city in our world has a crime problem and robbery is one of the most frequent.
What does it look like to steal from God?
When you hear the word “TEST”, what emotions rise up inside you, what memories flood your mind? I wonder if you sometimes have a similar nightmare to mine? In my dreams I find myself back in school and it’s final exam time, but I discover I have not been to that class all semester, I’ve never read the textbook, I have no idea what the class is about and it’s time for the final exam! Oh my it’s so sweet to awaken from such a nightmare! Thank you God, it was only a dream! But in real life, we find ourselves facing life tests all the time, don’t we? Tests of our driving skills on busy roadways, tests of our ability to live within a budget, when surrounded by tempting advertising and friends who apparently have more money than we do. Tests of our faithfulness in relationships, tests of our integrity, our character, our reliability, our self-discipline, our generosity, our patience. And tests of our faith in God. Now, think about that a moment friends, what tests your faith, your trust in God?
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Copy and search on this link: https://walkingwithjesus.ddawj-365.com/friday-26-february-2021-rob-god/ Today’s Scripture is Malachi 3. Choose below to read or listen.
Pastor Doug Anderson 262.441.8785
“Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, with our eyes fixed on Jesus…” (Heb. 12:1,2)
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