In the USA, today is officially “Labor Day”. In 1894, by an act of Congress, the first Monday of September was declared to be a national holiday celebrating the importance of the labor force in America, which keeps our economy and our culture functioning. This three day weekend has come to mean many things to Americans, including the transition from Summer to Fall. For millions of families that means school begins again and that always brings with it a sense of ‘fresh start’. Do you like ‘fresh starts’ like a new job, or marriage, or relocation to a new home, or retirement? Today let’s look at one of the most significant ‘fresh starts’ of all time. We’ve been following the story of Joseph in the Bible book of Genesis. Yesterday I left you in one of the most startling family reunions of all time.
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Today’s Scripture is Genesis 45:16-28.
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Pastor Doug Anderson 262.441.8785
“Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, with our eyes fixed on Jesus…” (Heb. 12:1,2)
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