New beginnings are special moments aren’t they? Marriages, graduations, retirements, births of babies, new jobs, relocation to new places. . . new beginnings! Today is just that, a new beginning for all of us, as we step into a new year together. Pause here, two days into this new year called 2022. Look out over the horizon before you. . .what do you see, for YOU, your extended family, your city, your country, our world?
I wonder what Joseph and Mary felt as they awakened and looked out over Nazareth their first day back from having lived as refugees in Egypt for a while. What an adventure they’d been on since the angels first visited both Mary and Joseph to explain God’s unimaginable plan to them! This summary statement from Dr. Luke amazes me: “…He (young Jesus) went to Nazareth with them (Joseph & Mary) and was obedient to them… And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and men.” (Luke 2:51,52) WOW, pause right here and reflect on those words, perhaps read it two or three times and ponder all the implications for Joseph and Mary as mentoring parents, and for Jesus as a learning child, an adolescent, a teenager, and a young man. Between that statement from Luke and his opening words in chapter 3 there is about 17 years of time!