I wonder if you struggle when a person's mouth does not match with your expectations of that person? It could be the words they speak or their tone of voice or even the body language that accompanies their words. The Bible is filled with wisdom advice regarding cautions for what comes out of our mouths, especially if we claim a relationship with Holy God through Jesus Christ. These days we're with James as he is writing his letter to Jewish Christians scattered around the Roman Empire during the first century. These people are accustomed to hearing foul language aimed at them but listen to what James writes: "My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen and slow to speak and slow to become angry, because human anger does not produce the righteous life God desires." (James 1:19,20) Oh my that is clear and very strong, very practical wisdom, isn't it? (Click here to see full text, images and links) Today's Scripture is James 1:19-22. Choose below to read or listen. Pastor Doug Anderson 262.441.8785 “Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, with our eyes fixed on Jesus…” (Heb. 12:1,2) Have a comment or question about today’s chapter? I’m ready to hear from you, contact me here. Interested in helping "Walking with Jesus" financially? Click here
You and I live in a world driven by comparison, do you agree? Athletic teams compete and are constantly comparing their team rosters. Students ...
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May I ask...when was the last time you walked through a cemetery? What was your impression as you looked at the grave markers, the...