How important is a strong work ethic to you as you look around your society? If you've been an employer or a supervisor, or even an athletic coach, how important is self-motivation and hunger to learn new skills? Those are attributes of highly valuable people in any endeavor, any organization, any society, anywhere in the world, am I right? Yet do you see those values are increasingly rare? As we've been with the apostle Paul, he has something to say about that today. In his first letter to the Christians in Macedonia, particularly the city of Thessalonica, Paul has been challenging them with specific instructions about living God honoring lives which will build strong marriage, families, communities and will impact the entire society. (Click here to see full text, images and links) Today's Scripture is 1 Thess 4:9-12. Choose below to read or listen. Pastor Doug Anderson “Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, with our eyes fixed on Jesus…” (Heb. 12:1,2) Have a comment or question about today’s chapter? I’m ready to hear from you, contact me here. Interested in helping "Walking with Jesus" financially? Click here
We've all witnessed great moments when people are encouraged and motivated to attempt great things. It happens each spring at college commencement times when...
I wonder if you've ever had to provide some proof of your personal identity. Perhaps you were traveling and as you approached the border...
I wonder if you'd agree that the word LOVE may be one of the most overused and least understood words in the English language?...