During this weekend, all around the world, what we know as "The Christmas story" will be told, read, sung, dramatized and in so many other ways celebrated, hundreds of millions of times! I wonder which part of this 2000-year-old story is your favorite part? In the past 50 years, on this Christmas weekend, Israel would normally be filled to overflowing with thousands of visitors from all around the world, most of them planning a visit to Bethlehem this weekend if possible. But not this year of 2023.
(Click here to see full text, images and links)
Today's Scripture is Luke 2:8-20. Choose below to read or listen.Pastor Doug Anderson “Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, with our eyes fixed on Jesus…” (Heb. 12:1,2)
Have a comment or question about today’s chapter? I’m ready to hear from you, contact me here.
Interested in helping "Walking with Jesus" financially? Click hereI've now been in Israel a full week with a group of friends, visiting a variety of Biblical sites. It's summertime here in Israel...
... But word had since come to Paul that false teachers had followed him to those towns and brought contrary teachings which led those...
Here's an important question to start our conversation today: What do you do when you read or hear something that sounds contrary to what...