In recent days we have seen some remarkable division and disunity in the political leadership of several major nations of the world in the summer of 2024!!. In the UK a new Prime Minister was suddenly elected three weeks ago. In France a hastily called general election backfired leaving the country hosting the Olympics without a clear, strong, stable Presidency. In the United States, a near assassination of former President Trump and then the sudden withdrawal of President Biden from his attempt to gain a second presidential term. And even in Israel over the past month or so we’ve seen growing division and discord in the leadership with war cabinet resignations and loud calls for the Prime Minister to resign. Is there any place in the world where you see government leaders drawing the diversity of their nation TOGETHER into unity?
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Today’s Scripture: 2 Chronicles 30:13-27. Choose below to read or listen.
Pastor Doug Anderson “Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, with our eyes fixed on Jesus…” (Heb. 12:1,2)
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When you travel, especially to see family or friends whom you have not seen in a long while, what is your anticipation of the ...