Latest Episodes
22.09.20 “Confusion /Clarity” (Gal. 2:11-21)
Have you noticed that no matter where you live in the world, no matter what culture is most familiar for you, no matter what...
22.09.19 “Surprise visit” (Acts 15:30-35 & Galatians 2:11-13)
I wonder if you've ever had the privilege of being part of a delegation sent out to bring a specific message to a group...
22.09.17 “Life Purpose” (Acts 15:19 & Galatians 2:2-10)
We've probably all had the experience of watching a very volatile situation diffuse and then actually come to a place of compromise and agreement. ...
22.09.16 “What is enough?” (Acts 15:6-13)
We've all experienced it... maybe many times in your life. A discussion turns into an argument and soon emotions begin to flare up and...
22.09.15 “The Ultimate Question?” (Acts 15:1-6)
As you look back over your life, I'm sure you can see what you might call "Defining Moments". Perhaps they were tragic events or...
22.09.14 “Solitude with God” (Galatians 1:13-24)
Think back for a moment to your school days. Classrooms, students, books, libraries, homework, teachers, exams, grades. What pictures and memories flooded your mind...