Latest Episodes
24.10.16 “A New Way to Live!” (Is. 58:9-11)
Yesterday, we looked with caution at a great warning from God found in Isaiah 58. Do you remember? It’s a warning about integrity, about...
24.10.15 “Fasting with Integrity” (Is. 58:1-8)
I’m sure many times you’ve found yourself in a conversation or situation where you are confident that what you see or hear is not...
24.10.14 “There is HOPE” (Is. 57)
When you look at our world through the lenses of God’s holiness and you try to imagine what God sees as His eyes roam...
24.10.12 “Taken Away?” (Is. 57:1,2)
You’ve probably been asked this question, maybe more than once: “Why does God allow bad things to happen to good people?” Or maybe you’ve...
24.10.11 “ALL Welcome!” (Is. 56:1-8)
If you were to state, in one brief sentence, what you think God has designed and is expecting as normal life for our human...
24.10.10 “For the LORD’s renown” (Is. 55:12,13)
When is the last time you had a really good day? I mean a day in which from the time you awakened in the...