Latest Episodes

22.04.09 “Alive – Palm Sunday” Matt. 21:1-11; Luke 19:39-44
Yesterday I left you holding your nose, standing in a crowd, outside a dead man's tomb... the tomb of Lazarus. Jesus was there with...

22.04.08 “Lazarus” John 11:1-12:11
Together we are on a journey with Jesus and His closest friends toward His Easter. Yesterday we had quite an experience in Jericho with...

22.04.07 “Bartimaeus & Zacchaeus” Luke 18:35-19:10
As you receive information about a newsworthy event are you frustrated when the reports are not identical, or are you grateful each reporter had...

22.04.06 “To Jerusalem, why?” Luke 18:31-34
Anticipation is something all of us live with all the time, right? These days we're on a journey to Easter with Jesus and those...

22.04.05 “Wave Walking” Matthew 14:22-33
Yesterday I left you on a hillside with Jesus, His 12 disciples, and a little boy whose lunch had miraculously served thousands of people....

22.04.04 “Hope in Tragedy” Matthew 14:1-24
Today is day 28 in the 40-day journey we are traveling with Jesus toward His Easter. As you and I look around the world...