Latest Episodes
21.12.20 “Malachi” Malachi 3 & 4
Have you ever found yourself waiting for news… for a long, long time? What did you do as you waited? What did you feel? ...
21.12.18 “Bethlehem” Micah 5:2,4
How important to you is the place of your birth? Is that place significant in the long story of your family heritage? Is there...
21.12.17 “A Royal Stump” Isaiah 11
One week from today is Christmas 2021, but I’m sure I didn’t need to remind you of that, did I? I wonder what great...
21.10.16 “A Divine King?” Isaiah 9:6,7
Would you believe about 380,000 people, all around the world, are celebrating their birthday today! Let your mind absorb that for a moment… 380,000...
21.12.15 “Hope in Despair” Isaiah 8:19-9:2
Do you find it fascinating to watch what some people do when they face desperate circumstances? Sadly, many people are determined to find solutions...
21.12.14 “THE Baby” Isaiah 7:14; Matt. 1:21
Have you noticed the more responsibility and authority a person has the greater their need for wise counsel from others? This is especially true...