Latest Episodes
21.08.30 Revenge - Genesis 42:8-26
Oh my, there’s so much going on in our world, and so often there seems to be injustice, unfairness, corruption, deceit, and normal people,...
21.08.28 Famine Encounter - Genesis 41:50-42:11
I wonder if sometimes you feel nearly overwhelmed as you consider the very complex issues facing world leaders in our time? Climate change, COVID,...
21.08.27 Famine Plan - Genesis 41:47-57
Thanks to global communications, in our lifetime we have been able to watch history being made in almost every country of the world. We’ve...
21.08.26 Prime Minister Joseph - Genesis 41:37-46
I wonder what the most surprising, shocking, wonderful thing is… that has ever happened in your life? We’ve been following the remarkable account of...
21.08.25 Famine Plan - Genesis 41:14-37
I wonder what your dream life is like? How often do you dream as you sleep? What types of dreams do you have? Do...
21.08.24 Dreams - Genesis 39:21-41:16
When someone says they have experienced God’s Blessing, I wonder what you think? Have you been greatly blessed by God at some memorable point...