Latest Episodes
24.09.05 “New Things!” (Is. 43:14-25)
As you and I walk through each day, how often do you find yourself pausing to consider the options before you for your next...
24.09.04 “No other God!” (Is. 43:8-13)
Do you sometimes hear people say things like this: “With all the different religions in the world, each claiming they are right and each...
24.09.03 “Love & Discipline” (Is. 43:1-7)
I assume most of us on this “WWJ” journey are parents, many of us are grandparents, and some of us are ‘great’ or even...
24.09.01 “Two Futures” (Isaiah 42:10-25 & Deuteronomy 28)
No matter where you live in the world, I’m sure you have some interest in the current Presidential election process in America. I don’t...
24.08.31 “TIME, God’s Perspective” (Isaiah 42:9)
There’s an old adage which says, “Time Marches On”. And another one says, “Time heals all wounds”. Have you found those statements about TIME ...
24.08.30 "A Jealous God?" (Isa.42:8)
Jealousy can be a serious problem in a person and a relationship, isn’t that true? Perhaps you’ve encountered the rage of a jealous person....