Latest Episodes
21.05.07 Blinded - Acts 9:1-9
I wonder what you think the concept of you and me actually taking every step, every day in ‘lock step’ with Jesus actually means? ...
21.05.06 Azotus - Acts 8:35-40
Have you experienced some amazing things in your life my friends? Perhaps you call them miracles. Maybe you simply say they are outrageous, unexplainable...
21.05.05 Special Edition - National Day of Prayer
This is a SPECIAL EDITION of “Walking with Jesus”, in honor of “The National Day of Prayer”. Tomorrow is the first Thursday of May. ...
21.05.05 Interruption - Acts 8:26-35 Isaiah 53
Have you ever been minding your own business, going about life according to plan when suddenly, out of nowhere, something happens which calls for...
21.05.04 Validated - Acts 8:12-25
Confusion reigns in so many aspects of life all around our world doesn’t it? Questions like: What’s the truth about COVID and the vaccines?...
21.05.03 Confusion - Acts 8:9-11
As you look around your world today are there confusing things happening? Sometimes, when you look into religious events or spiritual activity are you...