Latest Episodes
24.08.02 “HOPE Rebuffed” (2 Chronicles 30:1,10-14)
Have you ever witnessed voices of HOPE rebuffed by the people those voices were trying to encourage? Have you seen athletes doubt and disbelieve...
24.08.01 “A Radical Invitation” (2 Chronicles 30:1-9)
On rare occasions new leaders make ‘culture shift decisions’ which have long lasting impact on the people they lead. Come with me again back...
24.07.31 “Restoration!” (2 Chronicles 29:29-30:1)
When was the last time you were part of a 'restoration'? When have you helped restore something to function again which had been closed...
24.07.30 “Temple Sanitized!” (2 Chron. 29:11-29)
While summer is vacation time for many people, this summer has also been a time of intense preparation for many people. Those involved in...
24.07.29 “Chain Breaker” (2 Chronicles 29:1-11)
So, I have a question to begin our time together today: Are you a “CHAIN BREAKER”? A ‘chain breaker’ is someone who courageously breaks...
24.07.27 “A New Day!” (Isa.10 & 2 Chron. 29:1-3)
We all like weekends, don’t we? And of course we prefer good news to bad news and we like sunny days rather than gray,...