Latest Episodes
24.07.05 “Uzziah’s Pride” (2 Chronicles 26:16-18)
Have you discovered the danger of PRIDE? There’s a huge difference between confidence or confident courage and pride isn’t there? All of us can...
24.07.04 “Following God Wholeheartedly” (2 Chronicles 25:27-26:15)
Hello my “Walking with Jesus” friends on this important date in America & the world, July 4th; As we discussed yesterday, the nation of...
24.07.03 “Joash Lessons for America?” (2 Kings 12:17,18; 2 Chron. 24:23-25)
Sometimes I am amazed at the unplanned alignment of special global events with our journey through the pages of the Bible. Today is another...
24.07.02 “Joash’s Trainwreck” (2 Chronicles 24:17-22)
Occasionally we hear reports of a disastrous train wreck, and we see the horrifying pictures of train cars piled up as they went off...
24.07.01 “Restoration!” (2 Chronicles 24:4-16)
Today I’m preparing this edition of “Walking with Jesus” in a remote place, far up on the northern edge of one of the US...
24.06.29 “Child Prodigy Joash” (2 Chronicles 23:1-24:2)
The words “Child Prodigy” are sometimes used when describing a young child who has remarkable ability in music or art or athletics or even...