Latest Episodes
23.04.04 “Price of Rejection” (Luke 19:41-46)
Have you ever been moved to tears with news of something terrible that will soon happen? Perhaps it's a great and destructive storm coming...
23.04.03 “Jerusalem Tears” (Luke 19:37-44)
This is a special week all around the world, isn't it? Palm Sunday was yesterday, Easter is coming next weekend. Now I wonder what...
23.04.01 PALM SUNDAY (Luke 19 & Matt. 21)
Good Palm Sunday weekend to you my "Walking with Jesus" friends, In every country of the world where the story of Jesus has been...
23.03.31 “Dinner with Lazarus” (John 12:1-11)
Hello my "Walking with Jesus" friends on this Friday which leads us to Palm Sunday weekend, We're traveling these days with Jesus and His...
23.03.30 “Children!” (Matt. 18:1-10)
Children are one of God's special gifts to our world, do you agree? Depending on your age and where you live in the world,...
23.03.29 “Liar Devil” (John 8:42-47)
Years ago, sometimes you'd hear someone say flippantly "the devil made me do it!" as they tried to explain their mistake or failure. I...