Yesterday was Memorial Day in America. I’m still pondering the high price of paying with your life to help gain the freedom of someone else? Perhaps you know there was one American family in WWII who had five sons, all who went into the US Navy. These Sullivan brothers requested the Navy assign them all to serve on the same ship together. It was a rare request, but it was granted and for some time these five brothers enjoyed being together at sea. But on November 13, 1942 their ship was sunk by a Japanese torpedo attack. Four of the brothers went down with the ship, one made it into a life raft, but he died before the raft was rescued one week later. Can you imagine the grief of that family who paid the ultimate freedom price with ALL five of their sons? I guess I’m particularly reflective these days since so much is changing morally in our world and in America. I continue to try and help us gain God’s proper perspective on life as we “walk with Jesus”, for I fear we are drifting very far as societies as cities as families as individuals, far away from God!!
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Or copy and go to this link: Today’s Scripture is Acts 14:5-20. Choose below to read or listen.
Pastor Doug Anderson 262.441.8785
“Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, with our eyes fixed on Jesus…” (Heb. 12:1,2)
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