Have you ever had a courageous talk with God which was life changing for you? The Bible records several prayers which received overwhelming responses from God. Daniel was visited by an angel bringing him God’s answer while he was fasting and praying, for 21 days. (Daniel 10) Zechariah was visited by angel Gabriel who said he had come directly from the presence of God with a significant message for Zechariah, as he prayed in the Temple. (Luke 1) John had a great vision which gave him the Revelation as he prayed on the Island of Patmos. (Revelation 1) And today, join me as we witness the shocking response of God when King Solomon prayed as he and the people of Israel were dedicating the great Temple in Jerusalem to Almighty, Holy God. (2 Chronicles 6)
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Today’s Scripture: 2 Chronicles 6:12-7:3. Choose below to read or listen.
Pastor Doug Anderson “Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, with our eyes fixed on Jesus…” (Heb. 12:1,2)
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