When you think of Old Testament Scripture which speaks of Jesus as the Messiah is there any Scripture that is more graphic, more specific than Isaiah 53? In our journey with the prophet Isaiah over these past several weeks, we’ve now come to this famous and very powerful chapter. But did you know Isaiah’s portrait of the forthcoming suffering Messiah begins three verses earlier in Isaiah 52:13? Over these next three or four days we’re going to take our time in this remarkable chapter, perhaps one of the most significant in the entire Bible. Do you know its message well? Isaiah 52:13 begins our look at Jesus as God’s promised Messiah with these words: “See, My servant will act wisely, He will be raised and lifted up and highly exalted.”
(Click here to see full text, images and links)
Today’s Scripture: Is. 52:13-15. Choose below to read or listen.
Pastor Doug Anderson “Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, with our eyes fixed on Jesus…” (Heb. 12:1,2)
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