Latest Episodes
22.08.02 “John Mark’s desertion” (Acts 13:13)
A change of mind and heart can be a very important event, can't it? In our journey with Barnabas, Saul who had changed his...
22.08.01 “Elymas Blinded” (Acts 13:7-12)
Competition is something found in every society in the world. There is some degree of competitive nature that rises up in almost everyone, especially...
22.07.30 “Deceiver Elymas” (Acts 13:6,7)
We've begun an exciting journey together as we travel with Barnabas, Saul and their young helper John Mark, on what will be a dramatic...
22.07.29 “God’s Calling” (Acts 13:2-5)
Have you had the experience of being in worship, either alone or with a group, when suddenly you sensed GOD was speaking to you,...
22.07.28 “John Mark” (Acts 12:25-13:1)
Did you ever have the chance, as a teenager or young adult, of being invited by an adult you respected to travel on an...
22.07.27 “God Power!” (Acts 12:16-24)
Why are we so surprised when God answers our prayer? In fact, are we sometimes so surprised that we look for other explanations rather ...