Latest Episodes
22.07.26 “Prison break!” (Acts 12:4-15)
When you think about the power of prayer, I wonder what your experience has been my friends? Have you ever seen God respond to...
22.07.25 “Double Crisis” (Acts 11:27-12:3)
Have you seen disasters or crisis actually result in good things, in benefits to people? There's an old adage... 'necessity is the mother of...
22.07.23 “Christians!” (Acts 11:25,26 & 1 Corinthians 2)
TIME is one of the greatest gifts you and I receive every day from God, would you agree? You can't buy time, but you...
22.07.22 “Barnabas to Antioch” (Acts 11:21-25)
As you listen to news from far away do you sometimes have a desire to go and see for yourself, to become part of...
22.07.21 “Strategic Antioch” (Acts 11:19-21)
One of the major global issues in recent years has been 'mass migration' of huge numbers of people. Sadly, too often the flight of...
22.07.20 "Revolutionary" (Acts 11:1-18)
I'm sure you have had the experience of trying to explain yourself to people who have misunderstood what you have said or done or...