Latest Episodes
22.07.02 “Heart Choices” (Acts 8:18-24)
As we head into this first weekend of July, I wonder what battles rage for control of your heart? Is it fear of the...
22.07.01 “Samaritan Christians Really?” (Acts 8:17-19)
Today we begin a new month together, July. I wonder what the highlights of the month of June were for you. Do you wonder...
22.06.30 “Simon the Sorcerer” (Acts 8:9-16)
I wonder if you've heard the phrase 'hero worship'? We see it all around us, no matter where you live in the world. Celebrity...
22.06.29 “Samaritan joy!” (Acts 8:1-8)
Probably most of us have moved from one place to another, perhaps several times in our lifetimes, right? Do you remember those emotions? The...
22.06.28 “Persecuted & Scattered” (Acts 7:57-8:3)
Everyday around the world, events happen which are shocking and leave lasting impressions on those who witness them. Thanks to the internet and global...
22.06.27 “Truth or Consequences?” (Acts 6:8-7:58)
Have you noticed the struggle people face when they attempt to speak truth, which is God honoring truth, almost everywhere in the world? A...