Latest Episodes
22.06.25 “Deacon Helpers?” (Acts 6:1-7)
I wonder if you sometimes find yourself with too many things to do, too many obligations and not enough time? Do you struggle with...
22.06.24 “Eye Witness” (Acts 5:32-6:1)
I wonder if you've ever been an 'eyewitness' to something and your report of that event was important? Perhaps you've even had the experience...
22.06.23 “An Impasse!” (Acts 5:21-34)
When was the last time you watched as what was called an 'underdog' ended up victorious? Perhaps it was in a sporting event or...
22.06.21 “Jail Break!” (Acts 5:12-21)
You've probably heard the warning phrase 'too much of a good thing can be a problem.' Have you ever experienced it? Maybe you overindulged...
22.06.21 “Deceit Death” (Acts 5:1-11)
As you consider the most significant challenges facing your community I wonder if 'deceitfulness' is among the top issues that are undermining the quality...
22.06.20 “Utopia??” (Acts 4:32-36)
So, I begin today with an important question... what news headlines would bring a smile to your face, peace to your hearts, and a...