Latest Episodes
22.06.04 “Repent!!” (Acts 2:37-40)
Have you ever been in a crowd of people listening to someone speak when suddenly what they said pierced your soul like a sword?...
22.06.03 “Who killed Jesus?” (Acts 2:22-36)
I'm sure you've had the experience where in the middle of a story, you are asked to wait, maybe an extended time, for 'the...
22.06.02 “Day of the LORD” (Joel 2,3)
I'm sure we've all had the experience of standing in a crowd confused by what is happening all around us, right? Was that a...
22.06.01 “Joel or Drunk?” (Acts 2:14-18)
As we begin a new month and the summer of 2022 lays out before us, I wonder how do you see the world today?...
22.05.31 “Waiting?” (Acts 2:1-12)
I start today with a question. How do you handle WAITING? Waiting on hold with a phone call? Waiting for an answer to an...
22.05.30 “Impulsive” (Acts 1:15-26)
Do you know anyone who is IMPULSIVE? There's a difference, in fact a big difference between someone who is innovative or creative or spontaneous...