Latest Episodes
22.05.28 “PRAY!” (Acts 1:10-14)
If you think back over your life, I wonder what you would identify to be the most significant three events of your entire life? ...
22.05.27 “Ascension Day” (Acts 1:6-11)
Hello my "Walking with Jesus" friends, on this significant day. Today is the 40th day after Easter which we celebrated on Sunday 17 April,...
22.05.26 “Kingdom Builder?” (John 21:16-25; Acts 1:1-6)
Yesterday I left you sitting on the shoreline of Lake Galilee with the resurrected Jesus and seven of His disciples. They were having a...
22.05.25 “Beach Breakfast” (John 21:1-15)
The four Gospel authors record for us only a few events which took place in the weeks following that Passover/Easter when Jesus was crucified,...
22.05.24 “Foundation Truth” (Matt. 7:24-27)
I wonder what houses are like where you live in the world. Have you ever seen houses built on stilts or pillars because floods...
22.05.23 “Fruit?” (Matt. 7:15-23)
Are you one of those people who likes growing your own vegetables in your own garden, or perhaps going into the orchards and picking...