Latest Episodes
22.03.21 “Sychar” John 4:1-19
We're on a 40 day journey with Jesus toward His Easter and today let's walk with Him on a path that was VERY unexpected ...
22.03.19 “Verdict” John 3:19-21
Hello my "Walking with Jesus" friends. It's the weekend and I hope you find some refreshment from the busyness of your life this weekend....
22.03.18 “Condemned or Believe?” John 3:16-18
Sometimes people are famous for what they have accomplished, other times they are famous for what they said. Jesus Christ is famous for BOTH,...
22.03.17 “Born Again?” John 3:5-15
No matter where you live in the world, probably there is a place, not far from you, where something historical happened. Perhaps the event...
22.03.16 “Nicodemus” John 3:1-7
Have you ever walked away from a conversation and concluded that your life may well have been changed, forever, by that conversation? Can you...
22.03.15 “Surprise!” John 2:13-18
Do you like surprises? Some people don't, especially the jaw dropping kind. Did you know sometimes Jesus surprised people? Today let's look at one...