Latest Episodes

22.05.06 “Divorce” (Matt. 5:31,32 & 19:3-9)
Do you find that when receiving information, whether national or international headlines, or sports news, or information from friends, that when the news is...

22.05.05 “Adultery” (Matt. 5:27-29)
I'm sure you've noticed the dramatic changes in almost everything when you compare generations. Changes in attire, changes in technology, changes in communication, even...

22.05.04 “Forgiveness” (Matt. 5:23, 24)
I wonder if you've ever been caught in the web of 'unforgiveness'? I'm sure you know what it feels like but let me ask...

22.05.03 “Anger?” (Matt. 5:21,22)
We're spending a few days with the disciple Matthew in the weeks following the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus. Matthew, like all the close...

22.05.02 “Fulfilled & Finished” Matthew 5:17, 18
Regardless of where you live in the world, we are all familiar with leadership change in business as a new boss takes over, in...

22.04.30 Weekend Edition (Matt. 5:14-16)
Hey, it's the weekend and I have an important question for us as we step into this weekend, two weeks after Easter: As you...