Latest Episodes
21.10.04 Discouraged and Confused - Exodus 6:1-9
Have you ever received a promise which seemed too good to be true, especially if it came at a very difficult time in your...
21.10.02 Backfire - Exodus 5
I wonder if you’ve had the experience of what I call the great ‘backfire’? You went out of your way to try and help...
21.10.01 First Big Step - Exodus 4:29-5:5
Do you remember what it feels like to take the first big step in a major plan you’ve developed? Of course the biggest question...
21.09.30 Oxymoron - Exodus 4:21-26
As you look back over this month, I wonder what you see as significant events in your part of the world, your society, your...
21.09.29 Moses and Aaron - Exodus 4:18-28
I wonder what these three phrases stir up inside you when you hear them: “A Fresh Start”, “A New Beginning”, “A Project Launch”? In...
21.09.28 Reluctant - Exodus 4:10-17
When you hear the word RELUCTANT who comes to your mind? A strong willed child reluctant to obey their parent? A skeptical buyer reluctant...