Latest Episodes
12.09.27 Preposterous Faith - Exodus 3:21-4:9
Have you ever wished you could clearly foresee the future? Or that God might tell you how things will be for you 5 or...
21.09.25 An Impossibility - Exodus 3:13-20
Did you know there are many names which have been attributed to GOD over the centuries? Sometimes a person who had a very significant...
21.09.24 I Am - Exodus 3:9-14
When you receive a request or invitation to help someone be it a friend, family member or total stranger, what are the questions which...
21.09.23 Freedom?? - Exodus 3:7, 8
Are you nearly overwhelmed by the constant flood of ‘bad news’ which pours at us everyday in every part of our world? Perhaps you...
21.09.22 Almighty Encounter - Exodus 3:1-6
I left you yesterday in a painful place… among about 1 million Hebrew slaves in Egypt, sending up their cries to God, in hopes...
21.09.21 Banished - Exodus 2:11-25
In the past several years we’ve often seen news reports of huge numbers of migrants, refugees fleeing North Africa or Syria or Central Asia...