Latest Episodes
21.07.31 A Second Wife? -Genesis 25:1-11
I wonder if you know anyone who has lived a long life and experienced the unusual joy of another marriage after their first spouse...
21.07.30 Family Planning - Genesis 25:20-26
Perhaps you noticed the title I’ve given our reflection today, and it may have startled you? FAMILY is a wonderful concept of human relationships...
21.07.29 Recognizing God's Work - Genesis 24:28-67
May I ask you to reflect back over your life journey for a moment? When have you seen undeniable evidence that Almighty, Holy God,...
21.07.28 Choosing a Wife - Genesis 24:1-27
Weddings are wonderful things in every society of the world! Sadly COVID has profoundly affected the size and scope of many weddings this past...
21.07.27 Sarah's Farewell - Genesis 23
I wonder who the oldest people are that you personally know? What great lessons of wisdom have you learned from them? These days we’re...
21.07.26 The Ultimate Test - Genesis 22:6-18
As you look ahead into this week, I wonder what the biggest issues are that you are anticipating? A major medical issue; a huge...