Latest Episodes
21.07.10 Separation - Genesis 13:5-18
Would you permit a personal note today? This is a special weekend for me. I have the opportunity to return to the small town...
21.07.09 Wanderlust - Genesis 12:10-13:4
Do you know anyone who has what some might call ‘wanderlust’? It means they grow tired quickly of where-ever they live and so they...
21.07.08 Arrival - Genesis 12:6-9
I wonder if you remember your younger days and times when you might have been on a long trip with your family. Regardless of...
21.07.07 Journey to Where? - Genesis 12:1-5
In America, this month of July is the month when more people relocate from one place to another, during the entire year. Sometimes it’s...
21.07.06 Haran - Genesis 11:27-32
I wonder what the attitudes are in your part of the world toward “old people”? As you know, in some societies the elderly are...
21.07.05 Babel - Genesis 11:1-9
When was the last time you sat around a campfire, on a summer night, looking up at the star-filled sky, reflecting on the story...