Latest Episodes

21.08.14 A Fresh Start - Genesis 33
Do you like FRESH starts, New Beginnings? This time of year school is beginning for millions of students around the world. Sadly, with COVID,...

21.08.13 Reunion - Genesis 33
Reunions are wonderful experiences, aren’t they, especially when you’ve been separated from friends or family for a very long time, right? So when was...

21.08.12 Confrontation - Genesis 32
Have you ever had to ‘face the music’ as they say, regarding mistakes you’ve made in your past? At the same time did you...

21.08.11 Preparing - Genesis 32
Have you ever had the experience of preparing to meet someone with whom you’ve had an unresolved conflict from many years before, and this...

21.08.10 Retaliate or Reconcile - Genesis 31
I wonder if you’ve ever found yourself in what appears to be an unresolvable disagreement, especially one which has escalated to conflict? Today let’s...

21.08.09 Moving - Genesis 31
How many times have you packed up everything and moved from where you have been living to a new area? What emotions rose up...