Latest Episodes

21.08.21 Blessing in Slavery - Genesis 37:29-36; 39:1-6
You and I live in a deceit filled world, no matter where we live, am I right? Sometimes that deceit is further complicated by...

21.08.20 Kidnapped - Genesis 37:19-30
In recent days it’s been very hard for me to watch news reports coming out of Afghanistan, how about you? It’s not the first...

21.08.19 Jealousy - Genesis 37:1-22
Jealousy can consume someone’s heart to the point it can lead them to attitudes, choices and actions that could destroy their reputation and their...

21.08.18 Home - Genesis 35:27-37:1
Have you ever had the privilege of actually ‘moving back home’, many years after you left your home? Just the word ‘home’ stirs up...

21.08.17 Bethel Again - Genesis 35:6-20
Have you ever had an opportunity to return to a place where you had a life changing encounter with God? I don’t mean an...

21.08.16 Settle - Genesis 35:1-5
In our world of rapid and frequent change, do you sometimes long for things to ‘settle down’? Look across the landscape of your life…...