Latest Episodes

21.01.12 “Be Encouraged” Haggai 2
How does God speak encouragement to His people when they face difficult, complicated situations, especially prolonged challenges? God has been doing this for centuries…...

21.01.11 Priorities, Haggai 1
How does God speak encouragement to His people when they face difficult, complicated situations, especially prolonged challenges? God has been doing this for centuries…...

21.01.09 Meet Mr. Haggai
Have you ever heard of Mr. Haggai? God spoke through him at a time very similar to ours, and his words will help us...

21.01.08 Prayer Power, Daniel 9
In the face of such chaos, what can you and I do that can make a difference? What did Daniel do and how did...

21.01.07 Times Like These, Daniel 9
We are all shocked by yesterday’s events in America. Amazingly God led me to prepare this “Walking with Jesus” several days ago! It speaks...

21.01.06 Cosmic War, Daniel 10
As political wrangling and the Covid pandemic shakes our world, God says there’s a bigger ‘cosmic war’ being fought. Daniel gives us a glimpse...