Latest Episodes

21.02.03 Ridicule -- Nehemiah 4
How do we handle the increase in RIDICULE which is focused on people of Christian faith in our world these days? Nehemiah has some...

21.02.02 Teamwork -- Nehemiah 3
What does true TEAMWORK look like? Have you ever been part of a very successful teamwork project? Let’s look at one of the best...

21.02.01 Vision - Nehemiah 2
“Here we go, into a new month! So…what might February hold for you? What would it be like to live with a fresh vision...

21.01.30 Precious Time - Nehemiah 1
Here we are, the last weekend in a chaotic January! What special words does Jesus have for us from Nehemiah’s experience, as we put...

21.01.29 Nehemiah
“UNITY” seems to be the popular word of the day. But Unity in Diversity is really what is needed. Have you ever seen it? ...

21.01.28 Contradiction -- Ezra 10
When strongly held moral values come in direct conflict with a growing popular idea, what should God’s people do? Have you ever considered what...