Latest Episodes

21.02.10 Word Power -- Nehemiah 8
These days words are very powerful! Nehemiah has some important insights for us. I have a question for us to begin today: What is...

21.02.09 Next Steps -- Nehemiah 7
Occasionally it’s helpful to pause, consider where I am in the journey of life, look forward and consider what the best ‘next steps’ might...

21.02.08 Stand Firm -- Nehemiah 6
How do we ‘stand firm’ in the face of increasing opposition to God, God’s Truth and God’s people? Nehemiah can show us. . ....

21.02.06 The Problem -- Nehemiah 5
It’s amazing that so many of the challenges Nehemiah faced, match with the world we live it in 2021! Most of us who are...

21.02.05 Well Armed -- Nehemiah 4
How do we face the opposition and challenges of our day without being overwhelmed? Nehemiah has some suggestions from his experience! As you listen...

21.02.04 Opposition response -- Nehemiah 4
How do we honorably respond to what seems to be increasing hostility toward Christians, the Bible and God’s values? Nehemiah has some counsel for...