Latest Episodes
24.05.10 “Rehoboam’s Judgment” (2 Chron. 12)
Take a stroll down your personal memory lane for a moment. Disobedience is defiant rebellion isn’t it, and it’s one thing in our families...
24.05.09 “Jeroboam’s Judgment” (1 Kings 14:1-20)
Yesterday we spent our time trying to gain a good understanding of the division of the nation of Israel into two kingdoms in the...
24.05.08 “Israel Divided?”
A nation divided is a painful thing to see isn’t it my friends? You and I live in a world with North & South...
24.05.07 “God’s Patience Ignored!” (1 Kings 31:4-10, 33-35)
Yesterday I left you in a remarkable and shocking moment in history. We were at the ancient city of Bethel, about 10 miles north...
24.05.06 “Altar judgment!” (1 Kings 12:31-13:5)
Have you ever watched a person make a very bad decision, and then fairly quickly follow it with several more bad decisions, and soon ...
24.05.04 “Crossroads of Decision” (1 Kings 12:26-30 & Jeremiah 6:16)
Can you remember a time in your life when you stood at the crossroads of a major life decision? Oh I’ve done that several...