Latest Episodes
24.04.20 “Pentecost explained!” (Acts 2:14-21)
Did you know that you and I are living at THE time in history when MORE information is available to our ears and eyes...
24.04.19 “Other Languages?” (Acts 2:4-12)
Many large cities in our world have 100 or more languages spoken as people from around the world now call those cities home. I...
24.04.18 “Fire & Wind!” (Acts 2:1-3)
I wonder what the most exhilarating, life impacting experience is which you have ever had in your lifetime? Probably it was not only very...
24.04.17 “Caution Needed?” (Acts 1:12-26)
I wonder if you have anyone in your life who CAUTIONS you? Someone who helps you slow down when you are rushing through life,...
24.04.16 “Ascension?” (Acts 1:9-11)
If God had given you the opportunity to script how Jesus would conclude His earthly life, what scene would you have described? Perhaps a...
24.04.15 “Life Purpose?” (Acts 1:4-8 & Matt. 28:18-20)
Are ‘good-byes’ hard for you? Sadly, they are a fairly frequent reality in life, but some are more difficult than others, aren’t they? We’ve...