Latest Episodes
24.03.11 “A Miracle Worker?” (John 11:1-27)
Of all the great cities in the world, down through all history, which would you choose as THE most significant city? For me Jerusalem...
24.03.09 "Legacy & Reputation” (1 Kings 11:1-8)
Legacy and Reputation are two very powerful words in the human journey, and you and I are today living in BOTH of those words. ...
24.03.08 “God’s Promise & Warning” (2 Chronicles 7:12-20)
Have you ever been given a promise, a life changing promise, that you waited a long time to see come to fulfillment? Join me...
24.03.07 “If MY People” (2 Chronicles 7:8-15)
Today I begin with a question for all of us: Which of all God’s promises is the ONE you most cherish? For the past...
24.03.06 “Fire from heaven!” (2 Chronicles 6:12-7:3)
Have you ever had a courageous talk with God which was life changing for you? The Bible records several prayers which received overwhelming responses...
24.03.05 “Moving Day Hallelujah!” (1 Kings 8; 2 Chronicles 5)
I wonder how many times you’ve either moved yourself or helped a friend with the major project of packing and relocating to a new...