Latest Episodes
24.02.26 “David’s Farewell” (1 Kings 2:1-11 & 1 Chronicles 29:20-28)
One of the advantages for us living in the year 2024 is the technology which enables us to SEE what is happening almost anywhere...
24.02.24 “Generosity” (1 Chronicles 19:14-19)
When you hear the word “Generosity” what comes to your mind? And is there a person you think of in particular when you hear ...
24.02.23 “Funding God’s Project” (1 Chronicles 29:1-13)
Funding of big projects is part of life both for individuals or families, as well as organizations or even governments. It’s likely you’ve been...
24.02.22 “Temple Plans!” (1 Chronicles 28:9-29:1)
As you and I think back in our lives, I have no doubt we’ve all received very significant challenges from adults who cared about...
24.02.21 “A Defining Moment” (1 Chronicles 28:1-8)
Each of us has probably had several ‘defining moments’ in our lifetime. This is an event which is so significant it affected the trajectory ...
24.02.20 “A Unique Leadership Structure” (1 Chronicles 23-27)
Regardless of the country or city in which you live, I’m sure you’ve noticed the complexity of the government responsible for the leadership and...