Latest Episodes

24.01.20 “Consequences!” (1 Samuel 15:26-16:1)
"Consequences" is a very important word in life, isn't it my friends? It's something good parents try to teach their children very early in...

24.01.19 “Disqualified!” (1 Samuel 15:12-30)
I wonder if you've ever had an appointment which you dreaded and you would have done almost anything to not show up at that...

24.01.18 “Saul’s Problem” (1 Samuel 15:1-11)
As you have watched leadership transitions in the past, I wonder how long it normally takes you to draw some conclusions regarding the similarity...

24.01.17 “Samuel Farewell” (1 Samuel 12:16-25)
I'm sure we've all attended leadership transition ceremonies where we honor an outgoing leader and welcome a new incoming leader. Usually, the old leader...

24.01.16 “Unique Inauguration” (1 Samuel 12:1-15)
Have you ever attended a leadership transition ceremony? I'm sure we've all seen the inauguration of Kings or Presidents as their predecessor died or...

24.01.15 “Jabesh Gilead” (1 Samuel 11)
This past Saturday marked 14 weeks since those brutal, unexpected, attacks by Hamas terrorists against some Israeli Kibbutz communities which were celebrating a Jewish...