Latest Episodes
23.11.20 “Hope in Despair?” (Ruth 1:1-18)
With our attention drawn almost exclusively in 2022 to the horrific and devastating war in Ukraine; and now in the past several weeks, the...
23.11.18 “Samson” (Judges 14-16)
For the past 7 weeks the attention of our world has been riveted on Israel, the "Gaza Strip", the "West Bank" and other regions...
23.11.17 “A Nazarite?” (Judges 13:13-25)
You and I have both seen amazing things in our lives, but then there are some things we witness that simply leave us flabbergasted,...
23.11.16 “Manoah’s Miracle!” (Judges 13:1-14)
Do you sometimes look around our world and wonder if God is aware of all the misery and suffering on our planet? Do you...
23.11.15 “The Judges Cycle” (Judges 2,3)
I wonder if you've heard this phrase: "Either we learn from history or we are destined to repeat it." I admit, as a young...
23.11.14 “Joshua & Joseph’s Rest” (Joshua 24)
Hello my "Walking with Jesus" friends all (Click here to see full text, images and links) Today's Scripture is Joshua 24. Choose below to...