Latest Episodes
23.10.30 “The Good Life?” (Genesis 46,47)
As the world continues to watch the horrific events in Israel and the Middle East, over the past several days I've been attempting to...
23.10.28 “Riches to Rags to Riches” (Genesis 37-42)
We all love the stories which are 'rags to riches', 'peasant to king', 'unknown to celebrity', don't we? Perhaps one of the greatest of...
23.10.27 “Home is Where?” (Genesis 35:16-37:36)
Do you know anyone who has a hard time settling down, staying still for a while? I don't mean children who can't sit still,...
26.10.26 “Bethel again!” (Genesis 35:6-15)
I happen to be writing this edition on the 7th anniversary of the day my wife and I moved into the town where we...
23.10.25 “A New Name!” (Genesis 32:24-33:20)
23.10.24 “Facing the Past” (Genesis 32:2-24)
Family love can be wonderful and stronger than steel, but family anger and resentment can also be more destructive than almost anything, right? As...