Latest Episodes
23.08.21 “Strategic Spiritual Impact” (1 Cor. 7:17-24)
When you look back over your life, I wonder how many different jobs you've had or how many different places you've lived? If you...
23.08.09 “Don’t Bail Out!” (1 Cor. 7:10-15)
At this time of year something particularly special is happening, at least in America. Can you guess what I'm thinking about? Many Colleges and...
23.08.18 “Marriage a Holy Covenant?” (1 Cor.7:8-14)
Did you know divorce data, over the past several years, shows a dramatic spike in the month of January each year? A spike in...
23.08.17 “Love Tamed” (1 Cor. 7:5)
You probably know what it's like to receive distressing or at least discouraging news about friends. These days we are with the apostle Paul...
23.08.16 “Honorable Intimacy?” (1 Cor. 7:3)
Have you found that when we do indeed 'walk closely with Jesus' we become even more aware of the ugliness, the dark side of...
23.08.15 “No Marriage?” (1 Cor. 7:1,2 & Gen. 2)
Would you agree that one of the most celebrative moments, in our human journey, is when a hopeful bride and courageous groom covenant themselves ...