Latest Episodes
23.05.02 “Derbe Again!” (Acts 15:40-16:1)
Have you had the great privilege of going back to visit places which were very significant earlier in your life? Maybe a visit back...
23.05.01 “A New Journey” (Acts 15:30-41)
I'm excited about today, for we are starting a new journey together. But this journey begins unlike most others we've walked together. I imagine...
23.04.29 “Transition” (Acts 1-15)
Do you like transitions? This weekend we're going to transition from our journey together in the Biblical events surrounding Passover/Easter to rejoin the apostle ...
23.04.28 “Holy Spirit arrival!” (Acts 2:1-12)
I wonder what some of your favorite days are in the year. Probably holidays which provide you the opportunity to gather with friends and...
23.04.27 “Waiting with Anticipation” (Acts 1:12-26)
I'm sure we've all seen airplanes in the sky or stood by airports and watched the airplanes take off down the runway and launch...
23.04.26 ‘Commissioned” (Acts 1:8-11)
Have you ever been commissioned and sent out to accomplish something important? Come with me and let's rejoin the disciples sitting with Jesus as...