Latest Episodes
22.04.17 "EASTER Sunday" Matt. 28; Luke 24 & John 20
Today is. . . of course you know, don't you? This is EASTER Sunday, and all around the world, in almost every country of...
22.04.16 “Golgotha” Matt. 27:26-66; John 19:16-42
Good morning my 'Walking with Jesus" friends, Today, let's do that. . . let's walk with Jesus to His crucifixion on Golgotha hill. Yesterday...
22.04.15 “Good Friday” (Matt. 26:26-27:26)
Today is... you know, of course, don't you? All around the world today Christians REMEMBER. We remember what Jesus experienced and accomplished on a...
22.04.14 “The Counselor” John 14 & 15
Today is a special day on the calendar of Christians around the world. Some call this "Maundy Thursday" because of the events recorded in...
22.04.13 “HOPE” John 14:1-11
I'm taking each of the days this week to invite us into the "upper room" in Jerusalem where Jesus spent Passover evening with His...
22.04.12 “It’s YOU!” John 13:18-38
Let's return to that very special place, an 'upper room' of a home in Jerusalem, early in the first century. Jesus has come there...