Latest Episodes
22.04.23 “Thomas” (John 20:24-31)
May I ask, does Easter seem much farther away than only 7 days? Oh, time runs so fast and so many things are happening...
22.04.22 “John Remembers” John 13-19
Do you often think back and 'relive' past experiences, especially traumatic ones? If so, do you try and evaluate what happened, and how it...
22.04.21 “Mary Remembers” (Luke 2:41-52)
Do you remember what one week ago today was? Yes, some call it Maundy Thursday because it's the evening Jesus spent with His disciples...
22.04.20 “Peter’s reflection” Matt. 17:1-9
In the week following that first Easter, we only have one documented event in the Gospel accounts and that was on Sunday evening one...
22.04.19 “Torn Veil” Matt. 27:45-51; Hebrews 10:11-24
Already, is Easter weekend drifting into the past so quickly, even though it's only been two days? Time moves on so fast, doesn't it,...
22.04.18 “Easter Monday” Luke 24:33-48
When's the last time you woke up one morning feeling like you were in a daze after participating in a very big event, maybe...