Latest Episodes
22.04.30 Weekend Edition (Matt. 5:14-16)
Hey, it's the weekend and I have an important question for us as we step into this weekend, two weeks after Easter: As you...
22.04.29 “Salty People” (Matt. 5:13)
As you and I walk the life paths we are each living, who are the people who bring 'spice' into your life? I mean...
22.04.28 “Joy in Suffering” (Matt. 5:11,12; John 15:18-16:11)
In the weeks following Easter, I would imagine the greatest challenge facing the disciples and other friends of Jesus was adjusting back to the...
22.04.27 “Life On Purpose” (Matt. 28:16-20)
When you hear the words "Life Purpose" I wonder what comes to your mind? Does it change if we phrase it like this: "Living...
22.04.26 “Truth or Distortion” (Matt. 27:62-28:10)
Remembering is powerful, isn't it? Remembering is key to learning? But remembering clearly takes effort, for too easily we embellish or change the reality...
22.04.25 “A mother’s plea” (Matt. 20:20-28)
Have you ever had the experience where the very good news you received was simply TOO good to be true? I think that's what...